4 Seasons Courses in 3 Countries

Within the framework of Butterfly Village project 2019-2022 we realized Four Seasons Courses in Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia.

We would like to inspire people to taste the flavour of natural lifestyle and luxurious simplicity. Photos from Sunny Hills of Istria:

The Four Seasons Course is a framework developed for adults in the age group of 20-45. This complex course is designed to help those, who want to live in rural areas – either plan to move in the near future or already live there. The vision of these people is to be in connection with nature and community, grow their own healthy food, earn money locally and influence their surroundings in a positive way.

Each of these courses consisted of 4 events: one in Spring, one in Summer, one in the Autumn and one in Winter.

The partner organisations developed a Curriculum of the Course available in 4 languages.

Photos from Slovakia, Zajezova ecovillage, Sekier community:.

The spirit of the courses shines through those two inspiring short films that document these events.

Slovakian film by Tereza Matkuliakova 2022

Hungarian film by .Péter Bényi and Dániel Bori 2021

Butterfly Village – Multi-skilled people for rural revitalisation project co-financed by Erasmus+. Participating organisations: Két Torony Nagyszékelyi Faluegylet and Falusi Fortélyok Iskolája (Hungary), Pospolitosť pre harmonický život (Slovakia), Sunny Hills of Istria (Slovenia)